Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello World!

This is the last time I am saying this.For real.
Hello world and welcome to my first post. 
So what is Horse feathers about and why should you--my, read my blog. 
Let start with some background here. I like horses. Hence the horse on my header. Another thing I like is writing and reading. Hence the quill and book heart thingamabob on the header.
I will be blogging  mainly about those two things but I'll also blog about ,blogging, tutorials,recipes,random stuff and my life on a small farm.

What! I live on a farm!? I also live in a large family and I am a home-schooler. 
You must be thinking I am the strangest person on the entire planet but please bear with my and my ehem...ramblings. (:
I will for certain blog at least trice a week Novel Monday,Tutorial Tuesday and Friday Farm Day whatever you wanna call it. And if any thing happens then I will also blog about that as well because why not! 


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